报名表 Registration

Please enter information in the form below to process registration for event 网课法语加强班; French Class.

Emergency contact number ( Please inform school in time if this number changes).

请根据所报科目选择相应的银行账号支付 Please select bank details for the payment:
1,报名Greenwich Eltham 校区线下中文课,请用下面LCLC学校帐号转帐支付. Please pay to LCLC account by online bank for Chinese lessons in LCLC School Greenwich Eltham Branch.
Name: LCLC
Sort Code: 20-49-81
Account: 73834336
Reference: Student's name
2,报名Romford 校区中文课和所有网上中文课,请用下面Romford分校帐号转帐支付. Please pay to LCLC Romford Branch account by online bank for Chinese lessons in LCLC Romford Branch and all Chinese online lessons.
Name: LCLC Romford
Sort Code: 20-57-76
Account: 10492434
Reference: Student's name
3,报名英语、数学、科学、11+、GCSE等补习课,报名绘画、羽毛球、围棋等兴趣课和假期活动班,请用下面LCLC Tuition 学校帐号补习转帐支付. Please pay to LCLC Tuition account by online bank for English, Maths, Science, 11+, GCSE, Art, Badminton, Chinese Go and Holiday Camp.
Name: LCLC Tuition
Sort Code: 20-57-76
Account: 10572284
Reference: Student's name
交学费数额 Amount of payment

请选择交费方式和数额 Please select Payment method and Amount :
1、交全年学费 Payment for a year
2、交一学期学费Payment for a term

报名中文网课请填写详细地址以便邮寄教材 Address for receiving textbooks for Chinese online course.

请写上孩子名字(建议用汉语拼音便于学校核对),Fill Child/Children's name in Reference for checking.


张校长 电话 07882906737 微信:xiangbin248
郑校长 电话 07443902473

Payment Information

Payment Method
Bank Payment
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